

2505 3rd Ave
Suite 203
Seattle, WA 98121


+1 800 123 456 789

Black Legacy Homeowners



Protecting and Empowering Black Homeowners for Generations to Come.


Protecting and Empowering Black Homeowners for Generations to Come.



Years of







Building Strong Communities Unlocking Opportunities for Black Homeowners

Welcome to our website dedicated to empowering and supporting black homeowners in Seattle. Our mission is to provide resources, education, and support to help black homeowners achieve and sustain sustainable homeownership. We believe that homeownership is a cornerstone of building strong communities and creating generational wealth.

We are committed to addressing the unique challenges faced by black homeowners and promoting equitable opportunities for homeownership.

We offer pathways to:

Homeownership Preservation

Explore options and resources to preserve your homeownership if you are facing foreclosure or potential loss of your home due to financial challenges or other issues.

Community Building and Networking

Discover how our community building and networking initiatives can bring black homeowners together, fostering collaboration, information sharing, and mutual support for a stronger community.

Resources for Homebuyers

Get support and resources if you are interested in becoming a homeowner, including information on homebuyer assistance programs, workshops, and resources to navigate the homebuying process.

Donate Now to Provide Relief to Those in Need

We urgently need your help to continue providing life-saving protection to families forced to flee homes.

Upcoming Events

Stay tuned for resources and networking opportunities at our events!

Resource Directory

Military Support

Save Children

Medical Supplies

Help for Refugees

Humanitarian Aid

Financial Aid


Donate Journalists

Our Mission

Discriminatory housing practices such as redlining and racially restrictive covenants have a long history in the Seattle-Tacoma region.

Become a part of our mission to empower and support black homeowners in Seattle. Sign up for our newsletter, follow us on social media, and join our community to stay updated on our latest resources, events, and success stories.

BLH Logo

Resources for Homeowners, and Homebuyers

Black Homeowners we are looking for you! As we continue to face record displacement and gentrification, our project seeks to bring us together and arm us with the tools and information to keep our homes. Predatory developers, bad loans, lack of capitol to make repairs, and prohibitive municipal codes, taxes or just family can lead to us losing our homes. Often times we don’t have the information about programs that can help us stay. Sign up now to become a member of our Black Homeowner Network and join us in saying WE SHALL NOT BE MOVED!

BLH Logo

Resources for Homeowners, and Homebuyers

Black Homeowners we are looking for you! As we continue to face record displacement and gentrification, our project seeks to bring us together and arm us with the tools and information to keep our homes. Predatory developers, bad loans, lack of capitol to make repairs, and prohibitive municipal codes, taxes or just family can lead to us losing our homes. Often times we don’t have the information about programs that can help us stay. Sign up now to become a member of our Black Homeowner Network and join us in saying WE SHALL NOT BE MOVED!


Latest Blog Entry

Neighborhood and CommunityPolicy and Advocacy

Wa Na Wari and CACE21 invite Black Legacy Homeowners to Walk the Block 2024!

Walk the Block Institute keynote speaker will be Germane Barnes, a Miami-based architect,...

100 Homeownership Units are coming to the Rainier Valley

The Seattle Office of Housing is taking steps to address the issue of affordable housing and...
Event Recap

Black Homeowner Meetup Event Recap – July 2023

Ladies and gentlemen, let me take you back to the incredible Black Homeowners July Meetup...

Homeownership Preservation

Washington Homeownership Resource Center

Homeownership Hotline at (877) 894-4663 is the State of Washington’s official foreclosure prevention hotline. Information and Referral Counselors connect callers to housing counseling or legal aid to help with mortgage default, tax lien, HOA and other foreclosure scenarios. The hotline is also the primary way to connect with the federally funded Homeowner Assistance Fund program, which helps homeowners who may need help with housing payments as a result of COVID or the public health response to the pandemic. 

King County Assessor

Offers property tax exemptions for seniors, persons with disabilities and disabled veterans who meet income qualification requirements. 

Central Area Collaborative

Offers no-cost home repair services to eligible homeowners in partnership with Rebuilding Together Seattle. 

Seattle Office of Housing

The Seattle Office of Housing offers the Home Repair Loan Program and the HomeWise Weatherization Program to qualified homeowners in Seattle.

What People Say About Us

Resources for Homebuyers